Prescribed burns planned for B.C. Interior
B.C. Wildfire Service warns public about smoke from planned, supervised burns

The B.C. Wildfire Service is beginning a series of prescribed burns throughout the province in an attempt to mitigate wildfire risk in the coming months.
Horse Lake, about 17 kilometres east of 100 Mile House, can expect a series of open burns from now until the end of June.
Two burns are planned for the Lytton area: one about five hectares in size, south of the village on Highway 1, and another about three kilometres northeast of Lytton, also on Highway 1.
The timing for burns in both areas will be dependent on the weather.
The B.C. Wildfire Service is reminding the public that there may be smoke as a result of these prescribed fires.
"The goal of these burns is to reduce the level of combustible material in the area by mimicking a naturally occurring ground fire," the B.C. Wildfire Service said in an information bulletin.
"The removal of these fuels helps reduce the threat of interface wildfires."