Professional 'pickup artist' vows return to UBC despite complaints
'I don't harass women ... My clients actually met a lot of girls and got a lot of numbers'

A self-described "pick-up artist" who posts videos with titles like "Why You're Not Getting Laid" and "Asian Pickup Hot White Girls" says he will "absolutely" return to UBC, despite complaints to campus security from a number of students.
Jan Huang says he only learned of the complaints after he finished coaching five clients on how to meet women last Wednesday at UBC.
"The girls that were being approached, none of them reported anything to security. The only ones that called security were the ones who recognized who I was," he said. "And they've probably never been approached."
"We were there for about three hours. My clients actually met a lot of girls on campus. They got a lot of numbers ... Security couldn't come up to me and say anything, because I wasn't doing anything wrong," he said.
Security wont remove him, as it infringes on his rights. Yet again protecting predators <a href="">@ubcprez</a> <a href="">#UBCrapeculture</a>
<a href="">@PrezOno</a> your silence speaks volumes, just like how UBC in the past has kept quiet on cases of sexual assault <a href="">#UBCrapeculture</a>
UBC student Stacey Forrester says she plans to file a formal complaint against Huang.
"If we're looking out for the education and the safety of women on UBC campus, then this kind of behaviour doesn't fit," she told CBC News. "He also preys on men ... men who feel insecure in their masculinity and what society expects."
"Women aren't training wheels for [men] to level up on their toxic macho culture," she added. "We're not here for you to get better at getting more aggressive."
Barry Eccleton, director of UBC campus security said in a statement, "While this individual's actions are distasteful, we are not aware of any criminality. We encourage anyone who wishes to make a formal complaint against this individual ... to do so."
Huang, 25, claims he's aware sexual assault and rape culture are ongoing issues at UBC and other university campuses but feels he's "getting caught in the crossfire."
"What I do has nothing to do with harassment, nothing to do with sexual assault, nothing to do with rape," he said.
Huang also defends his practice of making hidden camera recordings of his interactions with women, a service he offers to clients. A large number of his videos are posted online.
"We blur out their faces, beep out their names, beep out their phone numbers and where they work," Huang said. "Everywhere I film is public."
Huang says he dropped out of UBC a few years ago to concentrate full time on his business.