Youth coach facing child porn charges out on bail
Randy Downes' bail conditions include staying out of dressing rooms and away from children under 16

Randy Downes, the Lower Mainland youth baseball and hockey coach facing nine child pornography and voyeurism charges, has been released on $1,000 bail.
Downes, a 59 year-old resident of Coquitlam, is also subject to nine bail conditions, including he:
- not be in any change room at a community centre or ice rink where there is a child under the age of 16 present.
- not be in a position of trust, including sports coaching of children under the age of 16.
- not use a camera except in the course of employment and then only in the presence of another adult.
- not attend any public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 are present or can be reasonably expected to be present...except he may go to a community centre or ice rink if refereeing an adult hockey game and on such occasions he may not take or have a cellphone or camera.
- allow a Peace Officer or bail supervisor to examine photographic equipment and electronic devices capable of storing images upon request.

Downes is charged with one count of possession of child pornography, four counts of secretly recording or observing nudity in a private place and four counts of making or publishing child pornography.
Police said they had no evidence to suggest Downs has had sexual contact with any of the children involved.
Downes was the president of Coquitlam-Moody Minor Baseball. He has been suspended by the club and by Baseball B.C.
He has also coached various age groups in youth hockey and baseball for three decades, including teams with the Burnaby Winter Club, the Coquitlam Minor Hockey Association, the Richmond Minor Hockey Association, the Vancouver Thunderbird Minor Hockey Association, the Surrey Minor Hockey Association and Coquitlam-Moody Minor Baseball.
Downes also worked as a photographer for hockey, baseball and soccer.
Police believe the alleged child pornography photos were likely taken between 2013 and 2016.