Rats overrunning Penticton, say residents

Some homeowners in one of the older neighbourhoods of Penticton, B.C., say the rat population is out of control and they want the city to do more to stop the infestation.
Susan Senko, who lives near the convention centre, is afraid to go outside at night because of rats scurrying along her fence, and in the abandoned house next door.
"If the windows are open you can hear them going, 'Ee-ee-eee.' It's really chilling," she said.
Just one block away, Patricia Carvelho lives next to another derelict home that she describes as a breeding ground for rats.
"Those things charge at you. They're not scared of you. It's not a comfortable feeling," she said.
Resident Peachie Key said the city has failed to deal with the problem effectively for years.
"I've asked the city for how many years now — 20 for sure — to please look into it. And here we are again, now the rats have come in. It's just breeding left, right and centre."
Penticton Mayor Dan Ashton said an exterminator is sent out every time the city gets a call about rats, and city council will be discussing the abandoned homes at its next meeting.
"Yes it may be part of the source problem. It's not the entire source problem, because wherever there is food, that's where these animals, rats, are going," Ashton said.
For now, Ashton said, homeowners should keep their yards clean or the rat problem will only get worse.