RCMP seek dashcam footage after man fatally struck by taxi
Police say pedestrian in his early 20s was hit by vehicle near Lonsdale Quay early Saturday

North Vancouver RCMP are looking for dashcam or security camera footage that can help their investigation into the death of a man who was hit by a taxi Saturday morning.
Police say the pedestrian, a man in his early 20s, was struck by the taxi near the city's Lonsdale Quay at about 5:45 a.m. PT.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Photos and video footage of the scene at West 1st Street and Forbes Avenue show a North Shore taxi with a dent in the front corner.
Police say impaired driving has been ruled out but investigators are looking for more evidence about what happened in the lead-up to the collision.
"Our sincerest condolences to the young man's family and friends as they deal with this tragic loss of life," Const. Mansoor Sahak said in a written release.
Sahak said the North Vancouver RCMP Victim Services and the Integrated First nations Unit is contacting those affected by the death.
Anyone with information or footage is asked to call 604-985-1311.