Restrict water use in Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley: province
Government calling for voluntary 20% reduction in consumption

With weather conditions expected to remain warm and dry for the foreseeable future, water users in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley are being urged to reduce water consumption.
The B.C. government is calling for a voluntary water reduction by 20 per cent or more from all users in those areas as well as the Sea to Sky and Sunshine Coast areas.
Staff with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations anticipate that these regions could experience significant water supply shortages in 2015.
Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and Haida Gwaii are also on Level 3 drought conditions, which is just one level shy of the worst drought conditions on the province's gauge system.
Water conservation tips
Although municipalities that have reservoirs are less vulnerable to water supply shortages than those areas served by streams, lakes and wells, the ministry is encouraging all water users to conserve. Here's their advice for residents:
- Limit outdoor watering
- Don't water during the heat of the day or when it's windy
- Consider planting drought-tolerant vegetation
- Take shorter showers
- Don't leave the tap running
- Install water-efficient shower heads and toilets.