Roderick MacIsaac suicide: B.C. government apologizes to researcher's family
Co-op student was fired during 2012 investigation into the misuse of Ministry of Health data

The B.C. government is apologizing to the family of Roderick MacIsaac, a co-op student who killed himself after being fired as part of an investigation into the misuse of Health Ministry data in 2012.
Health Minister Terry Lake says the family has been sent a letter apologizing "for terminating his employment, given his status as a co-op student and under the supervision of ministry staff. "
"The government also expresses sympathy and condolences for the stress and sadness that they have endured as a result of Mr. MacIsaac's death in December, 2012," said a statement issued by Lake on Friday morning.
"Deputy Minister Brown reviewed the terminations made in 2012 by the ministry and has determined that serious breaches of policy occurred, but some of the employment terminations were unwarranted or were considered excessive. The deputy's review led to settlements with three employees."
The head of the Public Service Agency, Lynda Tarras has also been asked to conduct a review of the investigation and how the decision to fire the researchers was reached.
Sister demanded apology
The apology comes just days after MacIsaac's sister called out the government and demanded an apology for its handling of the 2012 incident.
MacIsaac was one of seven researchers fired or suspended by the government after a major investigation into alleged breaches of personal health information.
After he was fired, Roderick was unable to complete his doctorate at the University of Victoria.
His body was found at home on January 8, 2013, and he was found to have committed suicide. He was 46 years old.
Two years after the investigation was launched, no evidence of wrongdoing by MacIsaac has been released by the government.
Other researchers dismissed over the incident have since settled lawsuits with the government or had their positions reinstated with apologies.