Ronald McDonald house damaged by sprinkler flooding
Activated sprinkler went unnoticed for some time, causing damage to a number of rooms

A sprinkler that accidently went off damaged one of the buildings at Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver Tuesday night.
Vancouver Fire and Rescue assistant chief John Zacharuk said firefighters were called to the building on the grounds of B.C. Children's Hospital around 10 p.m. Tuesday.
The sprinkler had been activated causing water to spray into some of the rooms and the hallways.
Zacharuk said there was a "fair bit of water damage," because it went unnoticed for some time.
Restoration crews worked late into the night cleaning water from some of the rooms.
There are no reports of injuries. The cause of the accidental activation has not been released.
Ronald McDonald House provides a place for families to stay while their children are being treated at B.C. Children's Hospital.