Rope found strung across Nanaimo trail at neck level
Nanaimo RCMP issue a warning after family finds rope near Nanaimo River hatchery

Nanaimo RCMP are warning mountain bikers and trail riders to be careful after a rope was found strung across a trail at neck level.
Danica Stewart was out for a walk with her husband and family on their way to look at spawning salmon when she came across a rope strung across the popular trail near Beck Road adjacent to the Nanaimo River hatchery.
After taking it down, Stewart called RCMP, then took to Facebook to post a picture and warn others.
"We went down Beck Road to the river access there by the hatchery," she wrote, "and down the trail someone has tied tight rope across the trail, seemingly to knock mountain bikers or ATVers off their bikes.
"We cut them down and reported it, so please do the same if you see these awful things."
Stewart told CBC News it was shocking to see.
"I walked up to it and it was right at my neck," she said. "It’s awful. It’s hard to imagine somebody did it once, but it's been done before."
In June 2013, a Saanich mountain biker sustained a large gash across his neck after running into a wire suspended across Partridge Hills trail in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park.