Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool movie to close down Vancouver's Georgia Viaduct
City of Vancouver says closures will minimize effect on rush hour traffic

Filming of a movie starring Ryan Reynolds will close down the Georgia Viaduct — one of Vancouver's main commuting arteries — for part of April starting this Sunday, April 5.
Twentieth Century Fox's Deadpool — a spin off from the successful X-Men franchise — will bring $37.5 million dollars to the city, according to a press release from the City of Vancouver.
Test footage from the anticipated 2016 release was leaked to YouTube in January.
"Vancouver strongly supports our thriving film and TV industry, which creates major economic and community benefits for our residents and businesses," Mayor Gregor Robertson said in the release.
The closures to the viaduct — which will not affect the Dunsmuir side — will take place between April 5 to 18 and will, the city says, minimize the effect on rush hour traffic.
Details of the closure
April 5: Georgia Viaduct closed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PT.
April 6-16: Georgia Viaduct closed from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. After the road reopens at 3 p.m. there will remain a 100-metre section of the viaduct that will be limited to one lane.
April 11: Georgia Viaduct closed from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The production has also optioned the possibility of using the viaduct on April 12, 17 and 18.
More information can be found at the city's website.