B.C. man slashes car tire, accidentally stabs self in leg
Bleeding man attempted to drive to the hospital before calling an ambulance

A case of apparent parking lot rage gone wrong has ended with a Vancouver Island man in hospital after accidentally stabbing himself in the leg while slashing a tire.
Saanich police say the 37-year-old Esquimalt, B.C. man returned to his vehicle on Wednesday evening — parked at Pearkes Arena in Saanich, just outside of Victoria — to find another vehicle parked extremely close to his own.
Acting Sgt. Jereme Leslie said the man located a knife and punctured one of the other vehicle's tires, but in the process ended up injuring himself quite severely as the tire rapidly deflated.
"Just because of the pure physics of his actions, he punctured the tire and then also ended up stabbing himself in the leg," Leslie said.
'He was bleeding quite heavily'
Leslie said the man then attempted to drive himself to the hospital, but only made it about a kilometre before having to call 911.
"He was bleeding quite heavily and was losing a lot of blood, so he pulled over to the side of the road and decided he needed an ambulance to take him the rest of the way."
Leslie said the man needed immediate surgery, as he had severed an artery in his leg. The man is now recovering in hospital.
Police are still investigating the incident and are looking for witnesses. Leslie said the man faces a potential mischief charge for allegedly damaging a vehicle.