British Columbia

Sasquatch videos create buzz for B.C. app maker

Two videos of apparent sasquatch encounters near Mission, B.C., are capturing media attention, but they might just have more to do with the marketing plans of some B.C. software developers than real sightings of the legendary creatures.

Legend Tracker augmented reality scavenger hunt claims videos were submitted by app users

Sasquatch videos creating B.C. buzz

12 years ago
Duration 2:05
Videos made near Mission, B.C., appear to be marketing for app

Two videos of apparent sasquatch encounters near Mission, B.C., are capturing media attention, but they might just have more to do with the marketing plans of a B.C. software company than real sightings of the legendary creatures.

PlayMobility claims the Bigfoot videos were submitted anonymously after the company issued a call-out for footage of legendary creatures. The company then posted them to YouTube and featured the videos on the website for its Legend Tracker app

In one video, the zoomed-in camera lens focuses on a dark, hairy-looking figure off in the distance by a lake.

The app-maker claims the video was submitted by a couple who were hiking on a logging road above Mission, B.C.

"When taking photos of the scenic views, they spotted something moving. Even though they were a fair distance away they were still able to zoom in enough to see something standing upright. Bear? Man? Something else?" the description says.

In the second video, a group of tourists stand on what appears to be a logging road, snapping photos and shooting video at a figure close by in the woods. One the tourists ostensibly submitted the video to Legend Tracker.

"This tourist was visiting Mission, B.C, Canada. Someone in the group witnessed something large moving in the woods. Those that didn’t run away stayed to get a better look, many photos and videos were taken before the large hairy biped ran towards the group then away," the post on the Legend Tracker site said.

The realistic-looking videos have begun to make the rounds in social and mainstream media, sparking discussion. 

While some viewers have been asking for more information about the locations where the videos were shot in order to look for evidence of the sasquatch, others are denouncing the videos as obvious hoaxes.

PlayMobility bills the Legend Tracker app as a location-based treasure hunt that rewards successful seekers of legendary beasts with augmented reality prizes.

For example, a player in Kelowna can track Ogopogo to the right spot on Okanagan Lake, and then gets to use the "sonar" feature to detect the lake monster as it swims.

The Legend Tracker app also has an augmented reality prize that shows a sasquatch walking through the forest as the user points his or her phone at the right location in the woods.