Say cheese ... or meow ... or woof!: SPCA's annual pet photos with Santa a big hit on Downtown Eastside
B.C. SPCA seasonal event at Oppenheimer Park attracted dozens of people and their rats, cats and dogs

There were a few woofs and meows sprinkled in with the Ho Ho Hos at the annual B.C. SPCA Santa pet photo day on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
Danny and his feline companion, Autumn, were two of the happy participants at the Oppenheimer Park event.

"I want to have some pictures to send back to Ontario to my family," said Danny.
This year's pet photos with Santa ran in conjunction with the weekly DTES pet food bank and monthly veterinary clinic put on by the B.C. SPCA.

Danielle was less interested in getting a photo than having her pet rat Katie examined by a vet.
"She got a lot of tumours on her, so I'm trying to get her looked at today" said Danielle, cupping the rodent in her hands.

Volunteers also handed out Christmas gifts of donated leashes, doggie jackets and pet treats.
"These are the people that we know and see all throughout the year, and, at Christmas, it's just a time to celebrate the bond they have with their animals," said B.C. SPCA spokesperson Lori Chortyk.

"Sometimes, the bond that they have with their pet is the most important relationship they have in their life."
Chortyk says the B.C. SPCA serves 6,500 clients annually at the DTES pet food bank and vet clinic and is always happy to receive donations of pet equipment, pet food or money.