ShakeOut earthquake drill readies B.C. for the big one
CBC Radio aired the drill just after 10 a.m. PT on Thursday

Hundreds of thousands of B.C. residents practiced how to 'drop, cover and hold on' as part of an international earthquake drill this morning.
CBC Radio aired the drill in B.C. at 10:16 a.m. PT, Thursday Oct. 16.
Organizers say 690,000 B.C. residents registered to join about 25 million people around the world in taking part in the drill.
Everyone in the province was encouraged to participate.
Organizers say during an earthquake you should:
1. DROP to the ground in simulation of a major earthquake;
2. Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
3. HOLD ON to it for 60 seconds
The safest place to be during an earthquake is not in a doorway, according to a statement issued by the City of Vancouver.
"In most modern structures, doorways are not any stronger than the rest of the building. Running outside can also be extremely unsafe as it could be difficult during the shaking and there may be falling objects and glass.
"If it’s difficult to get safely to the floor, crouch down, protect the head and neck, and move away from windows or other items that can fall.
"If in a wheelchair, lock the wheels and remain seated until the shaking stops. Always protect the head and neck with whatever is available,
"After the drill, take the time to identify hazards that may be found at home or in work areas, mitigate these hazards, and update emergency plans and kits.
"Most residents are aware that they live in a high risk earthquake region, but many are not aware that a large majority of injuries and deaths during earthquakes occur due to falling objects, and not structures.
"Participating in the drill is a great way to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from a large earthquake, whether at work or at home."
To register as an official participant of ShakeOutBC, visit and follow ShakeOutBC on Twitter @ShakeOutBC or Facebook in preparation for the drill.