Snow in the forecast for Thursday evening
Environment Canada forecasting a 'perfect white Christmas' for the South Coast

The first official day of winter is expected to bring more snow to the South Coast.
"This is only going to be a brief blast of flurries with some gusty winds, but we could see two or three centimetres of snow this evening," said meteorologist Matt MacDonald with Environment Canada.
And he says today's dusting will be quite different from Tuesday's storm.
"With tonight's front, the temperatures are a lot colder," he said. "I would expect these snowflakes to be a lot lighter, a lot fluffier and they will blow around, so they won't make that sloppy slushy mess we saw on Tuesday."
But he says the colder temperatures and snow already on the ground will also mean the snow will stick right away.
The first flakes are expected sometime between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., with the heaviest snow expected during the evening commute from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The temperatures are expected to get even colder this weekend, with what Environment Canada is calling a "perfect white Christmas" likely.
"There is this weak disturbance that is rearing its face," MacDonald said. "So, we are probably going to see some light flurries on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day but nothing to get to excited about. Probably a centimetre or two at the most."
"But it will be what we call a "perfect, white Christmas," meaning two centimetres on the ground or more and actual snow on Christmas Day," he said.
"So, great news for the kids and snow enthusiasts out there."