Some voters might receive their mail-in ballots too late to return by mail, Elections BC warns
The recommended deadline to return vote packages by mail is Oct. 17

Due to an unprecedented number of vote-by-mail package requests, Elections BC says it is having trouble keeping up and warns some voters might receive their packages after the recommended deadline to return the packages in the mail.
So far, Elections BC has issued 670,033 vote-by-mail packages this election season. It's an increase of more than 663,000 compared to the 2017 election when 6,517 people voted by mail.
"Elections BC is working as fast as possible to process package requests, produce vote-by-mail packages and send them to Canada Post for delivery," it said in a news release.
"It is possible that voters, especially those who request a voting package this week, will receive their vote-by-mail package after the recommended deadline to return it by mail on October 17."
If any voter receives a package past the deadline, they should return it in-person to a district electoral office. Or, Elections BC said, they can vote in-person during advanced voting or on election day.
Elections BC said it had already received more than 138,000 completed vote-by-mail packages as of Oct. 13.