"STOP HARPER": City fights war on street signs
The city of Prince Rupert is being forced to replace stop signs around town due to the political stickers

The city of Prince Rupert, B.C. is battling guerilla political advertising that is defacing their street signs.
"STOP HARPER" stickers have been plastered on stop signs, causing a problem for both drivers and the city officials in charge of removing them.
Garin Gardiner, operations manager for the city of Prince Rupert, is in charge of taking the stickers down and says the stickers pose a safety hazard.
"They are obstructing the signs or affecting the coating that is on there to make it less reflective and they are not as effective for drivers," Gardiner told Carolina de Ryk on Daybreak North.
So far the city has removed half a dozen signs, replacing them with new ones while the others get cleaned.
Councillor Wade Niesh says that the city can't be displaying partisan political messages.
"It's not the right way to display somebody's message. It's costing the tax payers money to remove these and change them out," Niesh says.
The cost to the city for the replacement of each sign is $53.30 plus installation costs.
"Everyone's got their right to freedom of speech, but don't destroy municipally-owned property to do that."
Niesh says that with the federal election campaigns underway, if those responsible don't want Harper in power, they should focus their time and energy elsewhere.
"I would assume they have a particular party they want to see in power, so if they want that party in power they should be helping that party, they shouldn't be stopping one and trying to help three others,`Niesh says.
To hear the full story, click: Prince Rupert tackles "STOP HARPER" stickers