Surrey farmer seeks help for charity bumper crop
Jas Singh plans to give much of the harvest to food banks
A Surrey farmer who donates his crops to charity says he needs more volunteers this year because the harvest is more than he can handle.
Jas Singh says he plans to give much of his 120,000-kilogram harvest to food banks in the Lower Mainland, but rows of vegetables are already starting to rot.
"Right now we have a steady base of about 30 to 40 volunteers that come every week," Singh said. "We need a 100 volunteers a week — new volunteers to help us get this thing going and help us catch up."

Singh started the farm three years ago and recently expanded to 34 acres.
"We need people to start coming here and helping out on a regular basis," he said. "And you know what? Take something home with you when you come here."
Singh says volunteers can help pick vegetables at his farm, God's Little Acre, this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PT, or help out on Wednesdays from 4 p.m. until sunset.
With files from the CBC's Meera Bains