Surrey lawyer suspended by B.C. Law Society after domestic violence incident
Narindar Pal Singh Kang was charged with assault and mischief in relation to a domestic altercation from 2018

Surrey lawyer Narindar Pal Kang has been handed a suspension from practicing by the BC Law Society after he was charged with assault and mischief in relation to a domestic altercation involving his spouse.
The suspension lasts for two months and begins on July 1.
The BC Law Society said in a news release that Kang reported the criminal charge to the Law Society and admitted that his actions constituted conduct unbecoming the profession.
Kang who is a prominent lawyer in Surrey, has also served as an immigration judge at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
The incident occurred on June 15, 2018 and the Law Society said Kang has conditionally admitted to one of five allegations that he committed acts against his spouse.
Spouse called 911
According to the hearing decision posted on the BC Law Society website, Kang and his spouse had returned home from a social function where he allegedly consumed alcohol and got into a heated verbal argument which escalated.
He is accused of forcefully grabbing his spouse's arms and legs and striking her in the back of the head two or three times while using profane and verbally abusive language.
Kang's spouse called 911 and reported the incident to police. He was charged with mischief and assault.
Hearing documents indicate that Kang's spouse was not injured in the altercation.
The BC Law Society said he agreed to enter into a common law peace bond which was imposed for six months. He also accepted his role in the altercation was a "breach of the peace".
The Crown prosecutor in the case directed a stay of proceedings in relation to the charges against Kang.
However, the Law Society characterized Kang's actions as "criminal and violent conduct" and described it as "intimate partner violence."
The panel said its role isn't to determine whether a criminal offence occurred but rather to determine whether conduct unbecoming of the profession happened.
The law society acknowledged Kang is a well-respected lawyer with a long career who has taken responsibility for his actions and expressed both shame and remorse.
For more information about domestic violence and where to access support visit the province's VictimLinBC website, call 1-800-563-0808 or send an email to