Surrey looks to Portland for ideas on light rail transit
Surrey looks to model its light rail system on the MAX service in Portland

If you are wondering what Surrey's light rail transit system will look like when it is up and running, take a trip to Portland.
Surrey's proposed three lines, which will run from the City Centre area to Newton, Guildford and eventually Langley, will look and operate more like Portland's MAX Light Rail Service than the SkyTrain and Canada Line, according to city officials.

"Minimum a kilometre apart until you get downtown. At that spacing, more than a kilometre apart, you get fairly concentrated development. Towers that are 30 or 40 stories high."
Lee says building clusters of high rises around SkyTrain stations works well in other Metro Vancouver communities, but that's not what you're going to see in Surrey when the LRT line is completed.
"It won't look like the Millenium Line or parts of the Expo Line," he said.
"The densities along the line are a little more even."
Portland's MAX Light Rail Service popular with users
Trips to Portland's downtown core by transit nearly doubled between 1994 and 2011, thanks in large part to MAX Light Rail Service.
"It's very simple, very easy to navigate around town and it's very affordable," said Mike Rosetti, who was visiting Portland on a business trip from Kentucky.

"It's cleaner than I thought," said Ron Grisby, who lives just outside of Portland and took the MAX for the first time last weekend.
"We're in no hurry, so I just kind of sit back and relax. I usually do all of the driving, so this gives me a chance to sit back and relax and enjoy all of the sights."
Portland's Advice for Surrey
Surrey sent a delegation to Portland to study the MAX system.

However, he says Surrey would benefit from building a line that showcases the look and feel of the city.
"Each of the lines that we have built over time has its own character to reflect the communities that it's serving," he said.
"We have different designs, different station feels and amenities."