Surrey residents oppose new housing development at Coyote Creek golf course
Resident concerned the proposed 341-unit development would obstruct his view

More than 100 people have signed a petition to fight a proposed residential development on a portion of Surrey's Eagle Quest Coyote Creek golf course.
"We don't feel it's necessary to do it," Surrey resident John McKitrick, said of the new development.
McKitrick lives in the gated Sequoia Ridge townhome complex overlooking the site.
He's concerned the proposed 341-unit development would obstruct his view in a neighbourhood that he says is already heavily congested.
"We think it's terrible to begin with, that there would even be consideration of ripping out groomed green space like a golf course to throw up some high-density housing," McKitrick said.
Density low, says developer
"There's [already] a lot of house construction around."

According to the developer — Anthem Properties — the townhouses and condominiums would take up approximately 6.4 hectares of the 9.7-hectare (24 acres) golf course.
Steve Forrest, vice-president of development at Anthem Properties said the density of the development is low and several hectares will be park or roads.
Forrest said the current development plan would not obstruct the view of residents in the Sequoia Ridge community. He added there is a demand for housing in the area.
City to decide
"They need more homes in Surrey, more quality developments that have a lot of thoughtful input into them. This is relatively low density, there's a lot of green space and corridors ... we're trying to be a community builder, not a community breaker."
The company has held public consultations in the community and adjusted the project plans based on feedback.
The application for redevelopment is currently in the review stage with the City of Surrey. The proposal is expected to be presented to city council for consideration in the next few months.
If approved, the golf course owner would sell a portion of the land to Anthem for development and renovate the remaining two thirds of the property to become a smaller-sized golf course.