Thieves target liquor in rash of break and enters
Vancouver police say three licensed businesses had their windows smashed Friday morning

Police are investigating a string of attempted break and enters at Vancouver businesses licensed to sell alcohol early Friday morning.
Vancouver Police Sergeant Randy Fincham says thieves carved out a U-shaped path of destruction through central Vancouver, smashing the windows of at least three businesses and stealing liquor.
The first break and enter happened in the 4400 block of Main Street around 3 a.m. PT.
"A window was smashed at a liquor store. Police responded to that location. There were no longer any suspects on scene," Fincham said.
Shortly after that, there was a second attempted break-in at a liquor store on 41st Avenue.
"Again, police responded to that one after there were reports of broken glass," Fincham said. "We don't believe in the first two incidents that there was access gained into the liquor stores, and we don't believe that anything was taken at this point,"
However, the thieves were successful at the third location: Dunbar Public House.
The restaurant's owner, Dima Mekhlis, says he spent the morning boarding up a broken window and taking stock of what was stolen — a couple dozen bottles, he said.
."We had a break in. They broke glass and stole some liquor," said Mekhlis.
Police are gathering evidence and reviewing security footage. They say it appears the same two suspects are behind all three incidents.
With files from the CBC's Luke Brocki