Fire department saves mom after toddler locks her in bedroom
'I don't believe we've ever had it where a kid actually locked his parent into their room': asst. fire chief

It could happen to anyone: a toddler accidentally locks you in your bedroom.
Trapped, you phone the fire department and they come set you free.
It happened to a mom at her family's condo on Norfolk Street in Burnaby, B.C., on Sunday night. She was in her room when her toddler closed the door from the outside.
Her side was locked, and her son couldn't get past the plastic child safety lock on his side.
"She couldn't get out. The kid was in the main part of the house, but couldn't get in," said Assistant Fire Chief Stewart Colbourne.
The mom phoned the fire department for help. There was no master key, so firefighters broke the deadbolt to let her out when they arrived.
Colbourne said no one was hurt, aside from the damaged door, but it made for an unusual call.
"I don't believe we've ever had it where a kid has actually locked his parent into their room, but we have had calls where toddlers lock themselves into bathrooms and can't get out," he said.
"Usually, with the adults or a babysitter around, they can always get the child out. But in this case, it was a little bit different."