Tortured Penticton pigeon's bell and hat removed by SPCA
Photo sparked outrage across social media

The SPCA says it has removed the hat and bell from a Penticton pigeon that was allegedly tortured last week.
The SPCA received a tip on its cruelty hotline and dispatched a constable to the area. At first, the official thought it was a cat because of the bell around its neck.
"They were able to actually handle the bird, take the duct tape from its head and remove the bell from its neck," said Corinne Ross, Branch Manager, South Okanagan SPCA.
"Apparently there were still some tail feathers with the bird and he flew away."
Earlier this week Penticton, B.C. residents were outraged when they saw a photo of the pigeon making the rounds on social media.
- Photo of tortured pigeon wearing bell and hat angers Penticton residents
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The pigeon was first discovered by Gary McDougall outside his house.
"It's beyond a joke. It's unacceptable. It's a cruel thing to do to anything, especially a bird because it hampers its flight," said McDougall. "Imagine hanging a bowling ball around your neck and trying to run around. Not good, not good at all."
Ross hopes the bizarre incident is over, but cautions the public to be on the lookout.
"If anyone sees this bird and it is in distress still, to obviously give us a call at the shelter or the hotline and we might be able to capture it. But for now, it apparently flew away," said Ross.
To listen to the full interview with SPCA Manager Corinne Ross, listen to the audio labelled Pigeon Rescued