Tragically Hip kicks off tour in Victoria with classic set list
Band had fans cheering, dancing and singing along in 1st performance since Gord Downie's cancer revelation

The Tragically Hip kicked off their summer tour with a strong dose of classic favourites and some new songs from their latest album, Man Machine Poem.
This is the first time the Canadian band has performed since frontman Gord Downie's public revelation of terminal brain cancer in May.
Here's the set list from the performance in Victoria on July 22.
1. Boots or Hearts
Classic Gord Downie shuffle to open up show. Band standing very close by, <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#tragicallyhip</a> Amazing to be here! <a href=""></a>
2. New Orleans is Sinking
3. Opiated
4. Blow at High Dough
<a href="">@thehipdotcom</a> Gord Downie opens with Blowing high dough launching their Canadian tour in Victoria <a href="">#yyz</a> <a href=""></a>
5. Machine
6. What Blue
7. Tired as F--k
8. In a World Possessed by the Human Mind
9. Something On
10. Poets
Hip cranking out Poets. This is the first time Downie's voice has sounded weak. <a href="">#manmachinepoemtour</a> <a href=""></a>
Huge cheer for Bobcaygeon. <a href="">#manmachinepoemtour</a>
12. Fireworks
13. Family Band
14. The Lonely End of the Rink
15. Yer Not the Ocean
16. In View
17. Last of the Unplucked Gems
<a href="">@tthbaker</a> <a href="">@thehipdotcom</a> so sweet to hear Last of the Unplucked Gems live again❤️❤️❤️❤️#tragicallyhip
18. The Luxury
Song 18 for the Tragically Hip in Victoria 06/22/2016: The Luxury. Can I get a hell yes?! <a href="">@thehipdotcom</a> <a href="">@timescolonist</a>
19. Little Bones
Little Bones getting one of the biggest cheers. Almost everyone singing along and on their feet. <a href=""></a>
as soon as little bones started, the energy surged in the building, the crowd cheering and dancing
20. Long Time Running
Cell phones out for Long Time Running. Fans are hanging on Downie's every word. <a href="">#manmachinepoemtour</a> <a href=""></a>
21. Twist My Arm
22. Eldorado
23. Wheat Kings
24. At the Hundredth Meridian
25. Gift Shop
26. Ahead By a Century
Ahead by a century..This could be the end..oh my God!!! <a href="">#TragicallyHip</a> <a href="">#yyj</a> <a href="">#victoria</a> <a href="">#canada</a> <a href=""></a>
This is for sure the end. Downie is standing on the stage alone, walking around, soaking up cheers. <a href=""></a>