TransLink etiquette: 1 man's campaign against feet on seats
"Feet on the seat ain't neat!" flyers the work of frequent transit rider Jerry Steinberg

A Surrey SkyTrain user is on a one-man campaign to improve etiquette on public transit by distributing flyers entreating fellow passengers to keep their feet off the seats.
"I've been taking transit for 20 years, and everyday I see at least one if not 10 individuals with their feet on the seat," said Jerry Steinberg in an interview with CBC Radio's The Early Edition.
For five years, Steinberg has been creating flyers that read "'Feet on the seat ain't neat!'", and placing them on every transit vehicle he's on.
The 69-year-old says he would prefer TransLink spread the message.
"I contacted TransLink and asked them to create a poster encouraging people to not put their feet on the seat," said Steinberg.
"They told me it was not a problem. Well, it is for me. So I took matters into my own hands and created these little flyers."
Not deterred by TransLink's disapproval
The flyers are brightly coloured and specifically shaped to fit into holders meant to hold copies of TransLink's publication The Buzzer.
According to Steinberg, his fellow passengers have been happy with his initiative.

"People who see me put the flyer up give me a thumbs up and quite often a thank you," he said.
"I've actually seen people notice the flyer, and take their feet off the seat."
However, Steinberg says he's been told several times by transit officials that he is not allowed to display his flyers in their vehicles.
Although the majority of his flyers get removed each week, he's not deterred.
"They told me what I'm doing is against TransLink policy and that they will have to remove the flyer, which they do," said Steinberg.
"When they get off the vehicle, I replace the flyer."