Vancouver driver in separated bike lane almost right-hooks cyclist
Video posted to YouTube shows a scary near-hit after a driver leaves separated bike lane
A driver was caught on camera first cruising down one of Vancouver's separated bike lanes and then almost hitting a cyclist while doing a right turn across the bike path.
The video, posted to YouTube under the username Vancouver604Canada, shows a white southbound car entering the Burrard Street separated bike lane at Drake Street.
The driver continues, past a pedestrian using the lane as a sidewalk due to the construction mess on the block from a new condo development, and exits the bike lane, merging back into traffic at the end of the block.

But the driver doesn't stop there. She continues another block down Burrard and then starts making a right turn across the bike lane onto Harwood Street, forcing a cyclist heading south in the separated lane to take evasive action.
The description says the incident happened last Friday. The "about text" also claims the woman behind the wheel wasn't too concerned.
"This lady, driving her car down the separated bike lane... was laughing about it, but almost seriously injured the male bike rider," the post says.
After the video was posted to Reddit on Tuesday, it sparked lively discussion about the merits of physical barriers and bollards at the entrances to bike-only paths.
What do you think? Are Vancouver's separated bike lanes unsafe?
Tell us in the comments below.