Vancouver Park Board planting new trees where old ones were vandalized
17 trees were cut down by an unknown tree chopper in the middle of the night

City-owned trees that had been cut down in an apparent act of vandalism were replaced Monday with new ones.
Vancouver Park Board planted 17 new maple trees where the stumps of 17 old ones were left.
Neighbours along West 29th Avenue discovered the trees had been cut down leaving only stumps.
City crew removed the stumps of the old tree, put in new soil and planted the new trees. The cost to replace the 17 trees is about $10,000.
Vancouver police are investigating the unauthorized tree removal but no arrests or suspects have been named.
Park board chair John Coupar said the removal of the trees upset the community.
"There's an ongoing investigation and they're making progress," he said. "We have to replace these trees. There's no way we an let this act of vandalism stand in our city."