Vancouver patio hours extended again this summer
Vancouver council votes to continue pilot project and allow large patios to open until midnight

Vancouver's bar and restaurant patios can once again stay open until midnight this summer, after city council voted to continue the pilot project, which started last year.
The extension, which will be in effect from April to October, applies to businesses whose patios have not had complaints within the past year.
In a report to council, city staff supported the extension of the pilot project, arguing more time is needed to evaluate the changes.
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson backs the decision.
"People in Vancouver have made it clear that they want to be able to enjoy later patio opportunities in neighbourhoods throughout the city,” said Robertson.
There are 277 small patios and 316 large patios in Vancouver, 46 of which applied for later patio hours last summer.
The city says it did not receive any complaints from extended patio hours last year.