Vancouver School Board needs your help naming two schools
Anyone can make a name suggestion but there are a few rules to follow

The Vancouver School Board wants your help naming two schools. But would Schooly McSchoolface or Mr. Schooly Pant be considered?
Even though the VSB is asking students, parents and their communities to submit ideas, there are a few guidelines to follow if you want your suggestion to make the grade.
- Names selected should honour the school's culture and ethnic heritage — including the First Nations community.
- Recognize outstanding individuals.
- The name should be reflective of the region or significant to the geography of the area.
- Names of individuals should only be used posthumously.
Earlier this year, internet democracy was put to the test when the Natural Environment Research Council held a contest to name its new research ship.

Despite "Boaty McBoatface" emerging as the overwhelming winner, those plans were sunk in favour of the much more subdued "Sir David Attenborough."
The two schools in need of names are the new elementary school opening at International Village next year and Macdonald Elementary, which is being renamed at the request of the school community.
Go to to offer up your name suggestions. The last day to enter an idea is June 19.