Vehicle connected to Kiran Dhesi slaying recovered by IHIT
Homicide investigators believe Audi Q7 linked to college student's death

Homicide investigators have located a vehicle they believe is linked to the killing of 19-year-old college student Bhavkiran "Kiran" Dhesi.
Dhesi was discovered dead inside a burned out SUV in Surrey in August 2017. Since that time, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has been trying to locate two vehicles connected to the crime — an Audi Q7 and a dark grey Dodge Ram.
The Audi Q7 has now been found.
IHIT appealed to the public on social media on Dec. 12 for help locating the vehicles. According to IHIT's Twitter account, the Audi Q7 was tracked down with public assistance.
Re: Audi Q7 located. The investigation continues and there will be no further updates regarding the recovery of the Audi Q7 at this time. <a href="">#IHIT</a><a href=""></a>
BHAVKIRAN DHESI HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION: <a href="">#IHIT</a> is seeking public assistance for information on a dark grey Audi Q7 believed to be involved in Kiran's murder. Got info? Call <a href="">#IHIT</a> <a href=""></a>
No update on the search for the Dodge Ram has been provided by police.
Dhesi was a student at Kwantlen University. She was found dead in the 18700 block of 24 Avenue in Surrey on August 2, 2017.
Police say they found injuries on Dhesi's body consistent with a homicide.
Anyone with any information is asked to call IHIT or Crime Stoppers.