Vernon police seeking 3 men involved in hit-and-run assault of cyclist
Police have seized vehicle involved in March 24 incident

Police in Vernon, B.C., are again asking members of the public to come forward with information about what they regard as a hit-and-run assault on a cyclist in the spring.
Police say they have located and seized a white Jeep Cherokee they believe was involved in the incident, but they are still looking to identify the vehicle's male driver and two male passengers at the time.
A statement said a 47-year-old man was riding his bicycle in the 2000-block of 43rd Street in Vernon on March 24 around 6:45 p.m. PT when he had an argument with three people in a white Jeep Cherokee.
As the cyclist began to ride away, the Jeep followed and then ran into him, knocking him off his bike and to the ground, the statement said. Two men then got out of the vehicle and assaulted the cyclist, police said.
The next day, Vernon RCMP released information about the assault and made its first appeal for information from the public.
Police are asking anyone with information about this incident to contact Sgt. David Evans at the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP non-emergency line of 250-545-7171.