Watch firefighters save a cat from a tree. Also, the cat is actually a cougar.
Plan is for animal to be relocated 'a long way from Victoria'

Firefighters saving a cat from a tree is a bit of a cliché — but what happens when the cat in question is a full-size cougar?
Victoria firefighters had to pull a cougar out of a tree Friday afternoon after the animal found itself deep in the city's Gorge-Burnside neighbourhood.
Victoria police said earlier in the day that the cougar was spotted on Gorge Road East, near Gorge Road Hospital, a long-term residential care facility.
Conservation officers and police tracked the animal with the help of dogs and chased it up a tree, said Conservation Officer Scott Norris. Then, they shot it with a tranquilizer dart.
The cougar went down for a super-sized cat nap and then it was up to fire crews to get the big kitty down.
Watch as firefighters gingerly pull down the cougar:
"A good news story at the end of the day. It's in good condition," Norris said.
"I think it's just a younger cat looking for territory. It's afraid of people. It's just looking to get somewhere safe."
Norris said the cougar, a male, is likely one that had been seen in the Victoria area several times since Wednesday.
Vancouver Island COS ear tagging a captured young cougar on the Gorge in Victoria. Thanks to <a href="">@vicpdcanada</a>, <a href="">@VictoriaFire730</a> and VicAnimal Control for the combined work. Cougar was in good health and will be relocated back to the wilderness. <a href=""></a>
Norris said the plan is to release the cougar in the wilderness but declined to say exactly where.
"Let's just say a long way from Victoria."

With files from Chek News