Victoria police officer strums guitar, shares lunch with homeless man
'Empathy sometimes seems to be a lost art form,' officer says
A Victoria Police officer is creating a stir online after a photo of him strumming a guitar and smiling with a homeless man surfaced Thursday on social media.
"He was sitting looking pretty depressed on the side of the road, so I pulled over and was on my lunch so I got out to share my lunch with him," said Const. Chris Gilbert.
Gilbert said he picked up a guitar sitting next to the man, and strummed while the two chatted. That's when Christie Robbins took the picture.
"He was just having a regular conversation, not getting mad at at him for panhandling or sitting on the ground, almost like they were buddies," Robbins said.
"I try in this job particularly to treat people the way I want to be treated," Gilbert said. "Empathy sometimes seems to be a lost art form."
Community leadership
The officer was at Mount Douglas High School Friday, joined by some of his fellow officers for a panel on homelessness.
Victoria Chief of Police Frank Elsner said Gilbert's kindness and leadership in the community come as no surprise.

"He's just a great big kid at heart," Elsner said. "He just exemplifies what we want to do and just to have that human face and just a caring attitude in our community."
As for his guitar playing skills?
"Let's just say it's a good thing that guitar wasn't plugged in," said Gilbert.