Victoria's Topaz Park may become permanent homeless camp
Supreme Court ruling from 2009 allows homeless right to stay in park if no other shelter available

Homeless people in Victoria could have a more permanent place to set up camp starting this fall.
The City of Victoria is looking into setting up what some are calling a tent city in a local park. Topaz Park, which is just north of downtown, is at the top of the list.
The goal is to establish an official place for homeless people to camp where they could leave their tents up all day.
In 2009, the B.C. Court of Appeal ruled homeless people had the right to camp in parks if there are no shelter beds available.
But in Victoria, tents have to be removed during the day.
Details of how the city will manage the tent site are still in the works.
"To make a tent city operate there have to be a lot of standards of behaviour, a lot of rules," said Coun. Geoff Young.
"It will take a lot of services, in terms of not just water, sewer, etc, but also people to manage it."
Young says the local community will be consulted.
Google Maps: Topaz Park, Victoria