Wet jobs: Vancouverites fight to stay dry on a rainy workday
As heavy rains kick off the new year, outdoor workers defiantly ward off the wet weather
Lifeguards, park supervisors, and construction workers — many jobs draw workers who are passionate about the great outdoors.
But sometimes, when the heavy rain rolls in, there's still work to be done.
In Metro Vancouver, stormy weather meant more than 30 millimetres of rain on Thursday in parts of the region.
The downpour inevitably forced many to retreat indoors. But for those who make their living underneath an open sky, there was no choice but to tough it out.
CBC News took to the Vancouver streets to chat with the soggiest of workers on a wet January afternoon.
The holiday wrecking-crew
Christmas doesn't clean itself up.
On Thursday, crews who set up holiday displays in Robson Square and nearby stores were tasked with taking them down.
Kayla Walton and a horde of other workers filled multiple five-ton-trucks with Christmas trees, decorations, and props.
"In Vancouver, if you're working outside, you kind of need to expect that it's going to rain," Walton said. "I did expect it was going to rain — but not like this."
Walton's pro tip: bring extra socks.
Stewards of the street
Traffic flagger Wayne Bodner was among those standing guard while the giant Christmas tree beside the Vancouver Art Gallery was being taken down.
It's a job he's enjoyed for six years, even in the rain.
"It's only water — I got waterproof stuff," he said. The list includes three coats, boots, and even a battery-powered sweater that heats up his back.
"You can even get battery-powered socks, too," he added.

Toughing it out
For 25 years, indigenous carver Darcy Coon has utilized the city streets to sell his art.
At this time of year, he says, business can be a bit challenging.
"After the holidays, there are a number of people that are financially short — so it can be quite frustrating at times when you have to sit out here all day, just to literally make a buck," Coon said while carving his latest piece.
On soggy days, he simply retreats to the shelter of an awning. But he also has to be careful that water doesn't make its way to the wood, and warp his art.
"I've got a poncho for my display," he said with a smile.