Whistler Cycling Club holds memorial ride for killed cyclists
Hundreds of cyclists and community members rode their bicycles in memory of Kelly Blunden and Ross Chafe

The Whistler Cycling Club held a memorial ride last night in memory of cyclists Kelly Blunden and Ross Chafe, who were killed in a collision in May.
The club rode loops around the Whistler village, where they were joined by police escorts and members of the community.
"We decided this would be a fitting time to commemorate Ross and Kelly on our bicycles," said Frank Savage, president of the Whistler Cycling Club.
"We've been reached out to by so many cycling clubs... with their condolences, and I just want to pass those on to the families."

Kelly Blunden, 53, and Ross Chafe, 50, were riding with a group north of Pemberton when they were hit by a vehicle.
Paul Pierre Jr., 52, the vehicle's only passenger, was also killed.
Investigations continue
Police say that search for answers surrounding the collision is still continuing.
I know that we're continuing to investigate the accident to determine exactly what happened and determine what charges are appropriate to be laid against the driver, if any," said Sgt. Rob Knapton with the Whistler RCMP, who also joined the ride on Tuesday evening.
"We hope to get more answers in the coming weeks."
Police have said they suspect the driver in the crash was impaired. CBC News is not naming him because he has not been charged.