YVR unveils new detailed plans for major expansion by 2037
Larger terminals, new taxiways and upgraded bridges among new plans

The Vancouver International Airport released its plans on Wednesday for a major expansion over the next 20 years.
YVR's $5.6 billion Flight Plan 2037 calls for expanded terminals, new taxiways and improved roads and bridges.
"This plan is built to provide for the long-term capacity needs at YVR, while meeting and enhancing our sustainability goals and ensuring we build in an incremental fashion," said Craig Richmond, airport authority president.
The plans come as the third phase of public consultations into the airport's future begins.
YVR had a record-breaking year in 2016 with 22.3 million passengers. The airport expects to see that number rise to 35 million passengers by 2037.

Richmond says the largest terminal expansion will be at the international wing because larger aircraft require more space.
He says the new designs will maintain the airport's sense of place.
"We want to add some more B.C. into the new wing," he added. "I'd like to see some iconic B.C. restaurants and bars and amenities and we're working on that."
A computer visualization of the space shows a glass-encased, open-air likeness of a Gulf Island inside the terminal.
There are also plans for pathways around Sea Island and a new plane spotting location for the north runway.
The airport authority will continue to collect feedback on two runways it proposed during phase two of its consultations: one extended out towards Iona Beach, and the other, a parallel runway along the south side of the airport.
Initial feedback was split based on concerns about environmental and noise impacts as well as cost.