Alberta's bearded men battle it out for facial hair glory
1st provincial beard and moustache championship to be held in Calgary this weekend

Hairy men across Alberta are flocking to Calgary this weekend for the province's first-annual beard and moustache championships.
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Similar competitions have been going on for years in the United States and Europe, but they're a growing phenomenon in Canada.

"I think it's a good show of man's identity. It's a pretty manly thing to have a big beard," said Lee Palichuk, who is organizing Saturday's event.
Palichuk is also one of the judges, along with the founders of the Calgary Facial Hair Club and the Saskatchewan Beard & Moustache Club.
He says in the "natural beard" category, he'll be critiquing length, mass, thickness, presentation and "epicness."
Then there's the "freestyle beard" category — where dudes can really let their hair down.
"It's the same as your hair. If you take good care of it, it's going to grow better and you can end up with a really full, healthy beard," said Palichuk, who also owns a company that makes oils and balms for men's facial hair.
Palichuk grooms his long beard daily with a boar's hair brush, but says a wood comb also does the job.
"There are definitely people that don't like beards. Anti-beard people. We try to brush them off," said Palichuk, who has had facial hair since he was 20-years-old.
He says there is really no rivalry between guys, like himself, who've had beards for years and the hipsters.
"We don't want to shame people because they're new to the beard community," said Palichuk.
The beard and moustache competition starts around 6 p.m. on May 23 at the Palomino Smokehouse in downtown Calgary.
But if you want to enter the contest, you need to be there by 3 p.m.