Alberta school fees to come down in some areas this year
41 school boards will reduce charges this year without government intervention

The Alberta government is expecting school fees to drop this year, but not across the province and not due to government intervention.
The NDP government campaigned on a promise to reduce the fees parents face each year, but those promises were dashed in the latest budget.
"It's been a difficult economic circumstance so we've been unable to move on that in the way we have hoped to," said Alberta Education Minister David Eggen on Tuesday.
"However, certainly just the review has allowed school boards and everyone to be thinking carefully about it. We expect to see at least a three per cent reduction in school fees globally across the province."
In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for the minister said 41 boards are planning to lower their fees this year.
"We certainly appreciate the leadership these boards have shown in reducing school fees," wrote Larissa Liepins.
Eggen said the province hopes to make more significant cuts to school fees in the next couple of years.