'Albertastan' comment from Peter MacKay mocked on social media
Twitter erupts with humourous look at fake workers' paradise

It's probably no surprise there was a cloud hanging over the federal Conservative caucus meeting on Wednesday.
After all, the party's stronghold in Alberta just voted in its first NDP government. Justice Minister Peter MacKay let slip that someone said "it was like — it's Albertastan now."
That prompted a Twitter storm, with lots of jokes about the new workers' paradise in the old Tory stronghold.
You can read a sample of the tweets below, but if you really want a laugh, be sure to listen to the Eyeopener's own "Worker Paul" read them out.

Comrades advised to travel by main highways only. Counter-revolutionary Wildrose units ranging freely in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a> countryside.
In 2nd Five-Year Plan, General Secretary Notleyevski annexes "culturally Albertastani" Shuswap <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a>
Great Leader opens Highest Speed train. Get from Petrograd to Notleygrad, three days! No smoking in the vodka car. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a>
In Soviet Alberta, gas fracks you <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a>
I stan! You stan! We all stan for <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a>!
Supreme leader, I have reached my tweet quota for the day. May I enjoy the slumber of the productive worker now? <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewAlbertastan?src=hash">#NewAlbertastan</a>