Warrant issued for suspect in murder of man who tried to intervene in park assault
Antoine Joel Gros Ventre Boy is a suspect in the murder of Paul March last month

Calgary police have issued a Canada-wide warrant for second-degree murder for Antoine Joel Gros Ventre Boy.
He is identified as a suspect in the murder of Paul March in Calgary last month.
Gros Ventre Boy, 26, is described as six feet two inches tall, according to a release from police. He has a slim build, black hair and brown eyes. He has tattoos, including tear drops, on his left hand.
The alleged murder took place around 7 p.m. on June 30, 2021 near James Short Park in southwest Calgary.
Paul March, a 62-year-old man, heard an altercation between a woman and man inside the park. After hearing the woman tell the man to stop hitting her, March confronted the man.
It is believed that Gros Ventre Boy pulled out a knife and threatened March.
"When he turned to run, he tripped and fell onto the bumper of a car stopped in the eastbound curb lane of 5 Avenue by the Centre Street S.W. intersection," says the release.
The suspect allegedly caught up to March and stabbed him. March was transported to hospital and died on July 3.
Anyone with information on Gros Ventre Boy's whereabouts is asked to call the police non-emergency number at 403-266-1234.
Tips can be sent anonymously to Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 or by type at www.calgarycrimestoppers.org.