Badly-burned puppy Nero receives outpouring of support
Adoption requests, surgery donations roll in

Donations have been pouring in to cover the vet bills for a badly-burned puppy who is recovering in Calgary after emergency surgery.
The seven-week-old dog, named Nero, was found Friday at a Saskatchewan work camp.
It’s believed something flammable was poured on his face and he was then lit on fire.
Nero was brought to Calgary for treatment.
Officials with the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) reported on Monday the dog is doing well.
Nero lost both ears and he might need surgery on his eyelids.
The society has had 30 offers from people wanting to adopt Nero and enough money has already been donated to cover the costs of care.
The remainder will go into the society's emergency medical fund, AARCS officials said.
Officials in Saskatchewan have been asked to investigate the case.