Black bear killed by train in Yoho National Park
Bear is the 19th killed this year on roads, tracks in Kootenay, Banff and Yoho national parks

Parks Canada has confirmed that a black bear has been hit and killed by a train in Yoho National Park.
The adult male bear was tagged and known as Bear 9. It was hit by a CP Rail freight train near Field, B.C., sometime during the night or early morning on Tuesday.
The bear had a tracking collar because it had become habituated to people and often frequented campsites and picnic areas, although he was not aggressive, said Kris McCleary, a science advisor with Parks Canada.
McCleary said they aren't aware of any spill from the train that would have attracted the bear, but they are investigating.
"What we don't know is: was it a frequenter of the tracks or was it new to the tracks? We're not quite sure about that."
This is the sixth black bear to be hit and killed on train tracks in Yoho and Banff national parks this year, three in each, according to Parks Canada’s Omar McDadi.
Two grizzlies were also killed on tracks in Banff earlier this month.
If you include Kootenay National Park with Banff and Yoho, the number of bears confirmed killed this year rises to 19 — 11 on roads and eight on tracks, said McDadi.