BLOG | Smoke 'em if you've got 'em
Veteran alderman's verbal gaffe entertains big crowd

Sometimes at city hall, our elected officials can catch everyone off guard.
It's why we follow along.

Like on Wednesday during the committee meeting debating proposed changes to the city's smoking bylaw.
It happened in front of packed council chamber.
(To be fair, most of the gallery was there for discussion of the city's arts development strategy.)
Ald Druh Farrell: "I'm not going to support the amendment but I am going to smoke the bylaw....(laughter). Sorry, maybe I was smoking something else." (more laughter)
Ald. John Mar, later in the debate: "I just want to reiterate. We're not going into private property ... unless it's something odd that you're smoking."
Ald. Shane Keating: "Like bylaws." (more laughter)
Mar: "Like bylaws. Only Ald. Farrell smokes bylaws. Ald. [Andre] Chabot to close."
Chabot: "Sorry I can't help but latch onto that one. I smoked for many years. I never contemplated smoking a bylaw."