
Bobcat visits southwest Calgary backyard in Kelvin Grove

Beth Ordman happened to catch a bobcat hanging out in her yard in Kelvin Grove, and it's not the first time a wild cat has visited the southwest Calgary neighbourhood.

Not the first time the wild cats have loitered in Kelvin Grove, say locals

This is not the first time a bobcat has visited the southwest Calgary community of Kelvin Grove. (Beth Ordman)

Residents of the southwest Calgary community of Kelvin Grove got a visit from a wild cat last weekend.

Beth Ordman snapped these shots of the bobcat in her backyard. 

A bobcat peers over Beth Ordman's backyard fence in southwest Calgary. (Beth Ordman)

It's not the first time a wild cat has visited her neighbourhood.

One block away, two bobcat kittens and their mother used Jane Howe's door mat as a scratching post. Howe took this video in November 2014.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife was notified right away, but the cats went away on their own.


  • The original version of this story incorrectly attributed these photo. They were actually taken by Beth Ordman.
    Mar 25, 2015 12:02 PM EDT