Brian Jean, Wildrose leader, boycotts Tim Hortons after Enbridge ads pulled
Alberta party's leader says he won't buy drinks at the company again until it apologizes

The leader of Alberta's Wildrose Party says he's boycotting Tim Hortons to object to the coffee company pulling Enbridge advertisements from its in-store TV channel.
"I'll pick up my Tims coffee again when they decide to apologize for taking jabs at our industry, which is so important to Albertans," said Brian Jean, who has often visited Tim Hortons for coffee and mint tea.
Former Sun News host Ezra Levant has also taken up the cause and organized a protest Friday in front of a downtown Calgary Tim Hortons, giving out free Starbucks gift cards to participants.
50 real people. 18 hours notice. To protest at a beloved institution like <a href="">@timhortons</a>. On a weekday. This is real. <a href="">#BoycottTims</a>
However, there are conflicting reports as to how many people actually showed up at the protest.
Happening now... Roughly 2 dozen protesting at a <a href="">#boycottTims</a> rally at 11th Ave & 4th St SW <a href="">#yyc</a> <a href=""></a>
Tim Hortons removed the ads after an online petition from the group SumOfUs started circulating, accusing the company of "shilling" for Enbridge.
"Enbridge's ad campaign uses attractive actors, cute kids and high production values to hide the real truth — its tarsands project will put ecosystems, salmon and wildlife in danger, create virtually no local jobs, and accelerate climate change," the petition reads.
But Jean, the member of the legislature for Fort McMurray-Conklin, says Enbridge is one of the province's "many great job creators," and gives Albertans and Alberta families a high quality of life.
Jean says Tim Hortons should "stick to making coffee" and not worry about online petitions.
"Tim Hortons is a huge deal in Fort McMurray, and after this, I think it may be less of a big deal."
Jean says he's talking to the company today and will try to get the Enbridge ads reinstated.
"I am pretty sure Tims will correct their mistake quickly, but I don't think it's appropriate what they have done."
Levant has also been liberally using the #BoycottTims on Twitter.
I usually have a <a href="">@TimHortons</a> tea with my lunch. Not today. <a href="">#BoycottTims</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#BoycottTims</a> I went to Tim's twice a day every single work day for the past 7 years. That all ended yesterday. And I will never return.
Passed 3 <a href="">@TimHortons</a> on the way to work. Got my coffee at Second Cup <a href="">#BoycottTims</a> <a href=""></a>
Day 2 of <a href="">#BoycottTims</a> and I'm enjoying a coffee and sandwich from <a href="">#NotTims</a>. Ecozealots are a minority in Canada. <a href=""></a>