Traffic changes coming to west end of 10th Avenue
Left-hand turn lane will replace loop to access Crowchild Trail from Bow Trail S.W.

Some big changes are in the works for 10th Avenue S.W. at Bow Trail, as part of the upgrades to the Crowchild Trail bridge over the Bow River.
The city is getting rid of the loop on 10th Avenue S.W. that drivers have to make to access Crowchild Trail from Bow Trail.
Instead, a left-hand turn lane is being added from eastbound Bow Trail onto 10th Avenue.
There will be an additional westbound through lane on 10th Avenue S.W. — and a dual left-turn from 10th Avenue onto westbound Bow Trail.
It will all be controlled by a new traffic signal.
"We'll add capacity to the intersection. It's a little counterintuitive because we're putting lights there, but it will improve traffic flow along 10th Avenue and up and down the Bow Trail ramps," said Jeff Baird, a senior transportation engineer with the city.
The work is anticipated to wrap up by the summer.