12 ways you know you're a Calgarian
So you live in Calgary, huh. Here's some ways to tell if you're truly Calgarian.
Have your own? Tweet @CBCCalgary with the hashtag #yycxroads

Originally published on Dec. 4, 2015.

1. Your alcohol consumption is tied to oil prices.

2. It's -33 C outside, but still barbecue weather.

3. You brag to your snotty eastern friends about having a Muslim mayor.

4. You can pronounce Calgary correctly (say it with me, CAL-gree).

5. The first thing you show visitors to our city ... is Banff.

6. You pay more to park your car than to fill it.

7. You know a drop of rain or a single snowflake on a Friday means taxis magically evaporate.

8. You can quote the latest bid on West Texas Intermediate off the top of your head.

9. Even the word Deerfoot can push your diastolic past 89.

10. You start planning your Mexican all-inclusive February vacation in August.

11. When you've put on both a toque and sunscreen within 24 hours.

12. You've debated a trip to the STD clinic after at least one Stampede.

CBC Calgary's special focus on life in our city during the downturn. A look at Calgary's culture, identity and what it means to be Calgarian. It's called Calgary at a Crossroads.