Calgary election 2017: Where to vote, who the candidates are and everything else you need to know
CBC News will have complete coverage ahead of the vote on Oct. 16

From where and when to vote in Calgary's municipal election on Oct. 16 to who your candidate is, CBC News has you covered with everything you need to know.
This election season started with much discussion over major infrastructure investments, such as a new arena and stadium, as well as debates on how to boost the economy, revitalize the hollowed-out downtown core, handle taxes and improve employment for Calgarians.
FULL COVERAGE FROM CBC CALGARY | Calgary election 2017
Here's how to stay informed and cast your vote:
Find your candidates
All candidates who wanted to run in the election declared their candidacy officially by Sept. 18.
The final list was announced Sept. 19. The city is publishing biographies, contact information, a photo and video for each candidate.
Many filled out the official paperwork early because it was necessary to collect donations.
The city has a list online to help you look up who's running for your ward.
Dozens have registered to run for council, and at least nine are throwing their hat into the mayoral race.
CBC News will have complete election coverage until voting day. We'll also publish a piece by each mayoral candidate outlining their vision.
Where to vote
Each voter is assigned a voting station, which will be identified on a voting card mailed out to your home. The stations will also be posted online.
Many Calgarians will be voting in a new place this year. Ward boundaries have changed enough to impact 58 communities in the city.
The city has an online search tool to help you look up your ward.
When to vote
Advanced voting will be held from Oct. 4 to 11, excluding Oct. 9, which is Thanksgiving.
Election Day is Oct. 16, and voters must head to their designated station.
Polling station locations will be available on the city's website.
Some voters may qualify for mail-in ballots if unable to vote in advance or day-of polls. For more information, please fill out an online request on the Elections Calgary website
What to bring
To vote, you must prove you're eligible. Picture ID is not required but you'll need something to prove you live in Calgary.
Bring either an Alberta-issued government ID, such as a driver's licence, an Alberta-issued document, such as a property tax assessment, or correspondence from a school, college or university.
You can also ask your First Nations band, post-secondary institution or property management company, among other authorities, vouch that you're a resident of the area.
Documents with your address may work, as well, such as a credit card statement or utility bill.
The city has a full list of eligible identification records online.